Gum Gardeners Study Club Constitution and Bylaws

Article I Name

The name of the organization shall be “The Gum Gardeners Study Club”; hereafter to be referred to as “the study club”.

Article II Objective

The objective of this study club is to continue our education in the field of Dental Hygiene and assist our members in meeting the continuing education requirements needed to maintain our license.

Article III Organization

Membership to the club requires all participants to maintain a current dental hygiene license. Membership is limited to registered dental hygienists. The number of members is no longer limited since the transition to the Zoom platform for all meetings except CPR.

Article IV Officers

The officers of this study club shall consist of two co-presidents and a secretary/treasurer. These duties will be defined in section I of the Bylaws.

Article V Meetings

Meetings for this study club will be held each month starting in September and continuing through May, December to be excluded. There will be a total of eight meetings. They will be held on the fourth Monday of each month unless notified otherwise.

Article VI Dues

The dues of this study club shall be 60.00 for the year. Dues will be paid by the third week of September, allowing the member to participate in the first meeting. The purpose of the dues is to cover costs for speakers, Zoom billing, registration of our domain, website host, postage and stationary for thank you cards, SSD memory storage for club history backup, scanner for downloading older files, and an end of the year gathering when possible.

Article VII Dissolution

This study club is a registered non-profit organization. Should the need come that it be dissolved, all remaining funds in the account shall be turned over to a charity consistent with supporting dental hygiene.


Section I Job Description of Officers

Co-Presidents: The duties of the co-presidents shall be to organize speakers, provide CE certificates at the end of the year, track attendance during lectures, manage Zoom meetings, and provide point of contact for the club members.

Secretary/Treasurer: The duties are to record information at each meeting involving business and brief notes concerning the lecture for the evening, outlining the content. They also include collecting dues in September and any other newly applying members during the year. It also includes tracking bill payments and auto withdraws. The secretary/treasurer will also send thank you notes for speakers including the honorarium of 250.00 unless otherwise directed by the speaker. This position also files the 990-N card on line with the IRS at the end of March, to maintain our non-profit status.